Red = 1 Reduced-version of another image in the same file. MP = 1 Page of multi-page document. Tr = 1 Transparency mask of another image in the same file. If either Red or Tr is set, the image is ignored by the printer. Default = 0.
* Orientation 0112,Short,1
The orientation of the image with respect to the rows and columns. Default = 1. 1 0th row is the visual top and 0th column is the visual left of the image. 0th row is the visual top and 0th column is the visual right of the image. 0th row is the visual bottom and 0th column is the visual right of the image. 0th row is the visual bottom and 0th column is the visual left of the image. 0th row is the visual left and 0th column is the visual top of the image. 0th row is the visual right and 0th column is the visual top of the image. 0th row is the visual right and 0th column is the visual bottom of the image. 0th row is the visual left and 0th column is the visual bottom of the image.